Cancer DriveLine Financials
Fiscal Year 2023/24

Revenue Amount
Donated Volunteer Mileage 25,808
Donations – Receipted 51,700
Donations – Non-receipted 3,403
Interest Income 6,272
Total 87,183

Notes about Revenue:

The financial statements by McAvoy Rule & Company (MRC) summarize all receipted donations into one line. We have separated it into two lines, Donations – Receipted and Donated Volunteer Mileage, to show that more than one-half of the volunteer mileage expense was donated back to the Society by volunteers.

Non-receipted donations include donations received from the United Way or the Provincial Employees Community Services Fund, or which were donated via Canada Helps or Canada Online Giving. Those organizations issue income tax receipts to donors and therefore the Society does not need to.


Expenses   Amount
Program Costs – Mileage 46,401
Dispatch System 2,500
Accounting & Legal 2,500
Advertising 50
Rent 50
Business Dues & Fees 808
Insurance 1,205
Office 676
Telephone & Utilities 263
Bank Charges & Interest 424
Fund-raising  1,570
Total 56,447

Notes about Expenses:

The financial statements by MRC summarize the mileage costs incurred by volunteers and the subscription cost of our dispatch system into one line: Program Costs. We have separated Program Costs into two lines to identify the mileage costs. Volunteers drove over 77,000 kilometers during fiscal year 2023/24 and were reimbursed at a rate of $0.62/kilometer in calendar 2023 and $0.67/kilometer in calendar 2024.

Accounting & Legal includes $2,500 for a financial review by MRC, of which $1,250 was donated by MRC as a gift-in-kind.

Fund-raising accounts for less than of 3% of expenses. Fund-raising activities include soliciting large organizations for cash or gift-in-kind donations and sending requests for donations by mail to new clients. Fund-raising expenses are limited to the costs of brochures, stamps, and envelopes.